Honest Ethel Nemeth

Honest Ethel Nemeth
Brady Lake Village (BLV) clerk-mayor Honest Ethel Nemeth,in the above picture,is why BLV has been classified by the state of Ohio as UN-auditable for almost 1 year. If you've ever delt with Honest Ethel,you know about the ASS-KISSING,she acts like it's needed to do business with BLV and or get public records.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Brady Lake Viilage (BLV) in Portage County Ohio has been under the reign of the clerk,Honest Ethel Nemeth for too many years.

Brady Lake Village (BLV) is being run by the BLV clerk gang. The leader of the clerk gang is BLV clerk Honest Ethel Nemeth. As you will see Honest Ethel needs to Exit BLV hall for good and the good of the BLV tax payers. SO,Please Exit Ethel,before you do more damage to BLV. To view more Brady Lake Village blog sites click on the red square with the white B beside Dan Boyle. If you would like to see the blog site that started it all try- CAMP=Caring About More People - You can comment and be anonymous by clicking on comments below these comments.